We protect Alaska’s wildlife through citizen mobilization, advocacy, and education.

Alaska is home to a unique and spectacular array of aquatic and terrestrial wildlife species. The Alaska Wildlife Alliance (AWA) advocates for healthy ecosystems, scientifically and ethically managed to protect our wildlife for present and future generations.

Map the Trap: Reporting Traps Along Recreational Trails

It’s trapping season in Alaska and currently, no agency collects data on incidental trap encounters, such as how many pets are caught in traps, where most pet trappings occur, or areas where trail users see wildlife caught in traps. AWA seek to understand the dynamics between traps and trail users, and provide information on where traps are located so recreationalists and their furry companions can stay safe.

Encounter a trap while recreating? Complete our form to have it mapped on our platform, and explore the map for recent and historical trap encounters.

Recent News


The State of Alaska killed 180 bears, shooting them from helicopters in Southwest Alaska. More than 20 were sows with cubs. Help us stop the Mulchatna bear control program once and for all.

2024 Annual Report

We were busy as beavers in 2024— literally, we even built a beaver dam analog this year! From protecting polar bears from oil and gas harassment to securing hunting and trapping setbacks for wildlife crossings, we accomplished a lot for Alaska's wildlife in 2024.

Check out our 2024 Annual Report to learn more.

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View our calendar of events for opportunities to learn about Alaska’s wildlife at home or online

Species Spotlights

Learn more about Alaska’s wildlife through our virtual Wildlife Wednesday presentations, held each month throughout the winter winter!


Find out about our organization,
mission, and the results of our decades of advocacy.


Take Action

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Thank you to our supporting members and corporate sponsors! Fuel this movement through an individual donation or a small business sponsorship today!