Alaska’s bear population faces predator control policies that are unreasonable - such as killing bears to maintain the moose population - and unethical - such as bear baiting. With an archaic view of bear management that does not take an ecosystem approach, AWA needs your help to carry public momentum and speak up for the Alaskan bears. Right now, AWA is fighting to stop a new black bear hunt in Chugach State Park as well as working against federal proposals that would allow for the hunting of bears while they hibernate in their dens. To continue our fight for Alaska’s bears, we need your help!

What we’re doing

Regarding the March 2019 establishment by the Alaska State Board of Game of shotgun and muzzleloader hunting seasons in the McHugh Creek and Upper Campbell Creek areas of Chugach State Park, at the Citizens Advisory Board, the Alaska Wildlife Alliance and other citizens testified about our concern on both the hunts and the strong-arm process the Board of Game utilized to approve them. As a result, the Citizens Advisory Board voted overwhelmingly to approve a motion calling for the Director to rescind his approval of the hunts. We need your help to carry this public momentum and close the hunt for good!

On the issue of the federal proposal to “apply the State of Alaska’s hunting regulations to national preserve lands” in Alaska by removing the 2015 wildlife protections, AWA stands firmly against the proposal. Brown-bear baiting at the Denali National Park and Preserve, Arctic National Park and Preserve and Noatak National Preserve would start immediately if the proposal were approved, which is why AWA has vowed to challenge the law in court if it passes.

AWA gathered public comments against the Secretarial order that would allow baiting brown bears with grease soaked donuts and the killing of black bears in the their dens on Alaska’s national parks and preserves. 

We are also seeking members of the public to testify against the bear baiting season in the Stampede Trail corridor just outside Denali National Park (working to save Denali’s bears) at the 202 Board of Game meeting - email if interested. 

Finally, we are working to protect bears from being killed in urban areas through our work on the Anchorage Bear Committee.

Round Up and donate your change to AWA


Donate the change from your credit and debit card purchases to help AWA protect Alaska's bears. Download the app, add your debit or credit card, and round up your purchases to the next dollar and donate your change to AWA. Your pennies make a difference!



Bears face predator control policies that are unreasonable and unethical. We need your help to continue our work for the bears of Alaska and to ensure that their protections are not rolled back by archaic state and federal management policies.



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