Are You Bear Aware?
Alaska Wildlife Alliance, as a member of the Anchorage Bear Committee Education subgroup, encourages you to be a responsible citizen in bear country. Learn how, and teach a friend! Your responsible actions could save a bear this year.
The Essentials for Traveling in Alaska's Bear Country
Alaska is bear country and one of the few places in the world where all three species of North American bears live. Take precautions to keep you, and our bears, safe.
Bears that get into trash are often killed as a matter of public safety. Don’t lure a bear to this fate—be responsible with you waste.
Bear-Resistant Containers
Bear-resistant containers come in all sizes and shapes, from ultra light backpacker food containers weighing a few ounces, to dumpsters able to hold 20 tons. Although some of these products have been tested by trial and error through direct experience with bears, some meet criteria for "bear-resistant" that can be found at websites of the Interagency Grizzly Bear Committee ( for grizzly bears. See also Living with Predators Resources Guides for additional information on black bear and grizzlies . ALWAYS take out your trash the morning of delivery, not the night before, to avoid attracting bears to your home.
Tell a friend, be a bear aware hero!
You can save our bears by educating friends, family, and neighbors about responsible waste management and recreation practices. Kids can learn, too! Download these FREE COLORING BOOKS to share with your cubs, and make a difference today!
Free Bear Aware Coloring Book (2003)
Free Bear Aware Coloring Book (2016)
Watch our wildlife wednesday presentation on
navigating bear encounters
Watch our Juneau Wildlife Wednesday presentation on Navigating Bear Encounters with Abby McAllister, Wildlife Education and Outreach Specialist at the Alaska Department of Fish and Game!