Corporate Membership Benefits
Advocate with Credibility: This is not just a donation, this is a movement 42 years in the making. We advocate on behalf of our members to ensure that powerful decision makers hear your voice and make a commitment to sustainable wildlife management practices. The more members we have with diverse, engaged backgrounds, the more credibility we, and the wildlife we speak for, have at the management table. Your membership bolsters our testimony and standing in these fights. Wildlife viewing brings $1.4 billion to Alaska each year, and yet there is no seated representation for wildlife viewing on the Alaska Board of Game.
Shaping this community: We are an alliance: We seek two-way communication with our members so that you can help us shape the actions we take, ethics we promote, and the strategy we pursue in our programs. You can be an advocate. We provide opportunities for our business sponsors to draft or sign-on to letters and actions that address wildlife and habitat decisions through our “Business for Wildlife” listserve. When you become a sponsor, you become connected to businesses across the state interested in wildlife conservation. Thourgh that network, you can draft letters and statements for business participation, and sign on to issues you agree to support. For example, if your business depends on or supports Members are invited and encouraged to join Board-chaired committees that discuss and guide our programs. Members are also asked to run for the Board of Directors! We seek support from our members all the time to provide local information on a wildlife issue or proposals, sign on as a Declarant in our lawsuits, or help us take action on overlooked and important issues. As a member, you ensure that we best represent the interests of Alaska’s wildlife.
Programs and Services: There’s no getting around it - our work requires money for staff, supplies, and coordination. Your memberships fuel our important community projects, such as Wildlife Wednesdays, Action Alerts and wildlife issue factsheets, newsletters, citizen science projects and so much more. These programs engage the public in actionable processes so they may investigate, understand, and speak up for wildlife. Starting in 2020, we also offer member-only events to build networks with fellow wildlife advocates. Check your email and our online calendar for more information!
Discounts: Starting in 2020, members will get discounts from sponsoring companies. Check online for current promotions, show your membership card, and save!
In the Know: Staying on top of wildlife news in Alaska is no small feat. Your membership ensures that you are in the know about wildlife issues from the southeast to the northwest of Alaska. Your membership supports our monthly e-newsletters, blogs, and social media posts.