ADFG Requests Emergency Regulation to Reinstate the Mulchatna Bear Predator Control Program This Spring
In person testimony by Sunday, public comments by March 27.
While we anticipated requiring more help to ensure that the recent ruling that Mulchatna bear predator control was unlawful, we did not anticipate needing your help quite so soon.
This morning at the Board of Game meeting in Anchorage, the Alaska Department of Fish and Game asked the Board to adopt an emergency regulation to reinstate the Mulchatna Predator Control. If the emergency regulation is enacted, Mulchatna bear control would take place again this spring, despite the recent court ruling that it is unlawful. ADFG's request was published almost simultaneously as it was announced at the Board meeting, and can be found here.
The Board will deliberate this request at the end of their meeting next week, but public testimony will close Sunday.
We are urgently requesting people to join us and testify in person against this emergency regulation at the Egan Center in Anchorage this weekend. Written comments (called Record Copies) can also be submitted through next week.
How to Testify In Person
Testimony starts this afternoon, Friday, and runs through Sunday. You must sign up to testify by 10am Saturday. We can sign you up, but you will need to email us your name and address by 10am tomorrow, Saturday. You would then need to be in the room to be called to testify on Saturday or Sunday. Testifiers are called in the order they signed up; staff will post a list of testifiers in the room throughout the weekend so you can anticipate when you'll be called. Plan to speak for between 3 to 5 minutes.
For more information or guidance on how to testify, please contact
How to Submit a Record Copy
The public comment period closed before ADFG released their emergency regulation request, but you can still submit a "record copy" on the Board of Game website, through the "Submit Record Copy" button. Written comments can be submitted anytime this week, but it's not guaranteed the Board will read them, which is why in person testimony is so important.
Tips for Commenting:
Comment in OPPOSITION to the State's RC009 (the emergency regulation).
State the reasons for your opposition. Here are some suggestions:
This is not an "emergency" - the bear program was found to be unlawful because the public did not have an opportunity to comment, and the State didn't assess how the program would impact bears.
Nothing has changed since the ruling that the program is unlawful. The State has yet to provide information on the bear population and the impact this program has on them.
Please emphasize the lack of public notice given for this process - this proposal for emergency regulations was not available at the start of this meeting, and became available as it was announced verbally.
Join AWA in the Room Next Week
If you are in the Anchorage area, we would greatly appreciate if you joined Alaska Wildlife Alliance at the Egan Center in Anchorage while the Board of Game deliberates this emergency regulation. If we pack the room with people who are opposed to RC009 (the emergency regulation), we can demonstrate to the Board that people care deeply about this issue and want to be involved in the process.
We estimate that deliberation will take place on March 28, but will keep everyone updated. Please follow us on Facebook and Instagram to receive updates, and please share this Action Alert.
Head to our blog posts to learn more about Mulchatna Predator Control and the recent ruling that it violated due process and Alaska's constitutional sustained yield principle.