Pick.Click.Give to Alaska's Wildlife!

As an Alaskan, you get to decide the fate of our state’s wildlife. You can keep our wildlife wild, protect critical habitat, and carry the torch for ethical wildlife management in Alaska by donating a portion of your 2019 Permanent Fund Dividend to the Alaska Wildlife Alliance.

bear in tundra alaska wildlife alliance

Alaska faces many challenging management decisions. In 2018, the National Parks Service proposed a rule change that would allow, among other controversial practices, killing bears and cubs while they hibernate, legally hunting wolves and pups during the denning season, taking swimming caribou, and baiting brown bears with grease-soaked donuts in Alaska. We mobilized Alaskans to join over 170,000 public comments opposing this rule change. From the arctic tundra to the islands in southeast, the interior and the western slope, the Alaska Wildlife Alliance is the only state-wide, grassroots, Alaskan-founded organization dedicated solely to the protection of our state’s wildlife.

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We coordinate strong conservation coalitions between communities, industries, organizations, and activists across Alaska. Shoulder to shoulder, we are building a future where the needs of wildlife and humans are not mutually exclusive – where Alaska’s economy is strengthened by the health and vibrancy of our ecosystems and wildlife populations. We also host education and outreach events, such as free Wildlife Wednesday seminar series and wildlife inspired art fundraisers.

Continue to support our state-wide alliance, which was built by Alaskans in 1978 for the benefit of Alaska’s wildlife. You can help us protect Alaska’s wildlife when you Pick.Click.Give. and designate a portion of your 2019 Permanent Fund Dividend. This year, use a portion of your PFD to give voice to the wildlife who can’t speak for themselves. Every dollar you donate supports our three programs:

Voices for Wildlife: Alaska’s wildlife doesn’t have a voice in the decision-making processes that directly affect them.  We engage the public to bring the interests of wildlife to the management table. Our goals include: promoting ethical management practices, encouraging public participation in decision-making processes, establishing fair representation on the Alaska Board of Game, and habitat protection.

Education and Outreach: Alaska boasts the most diverse array of wildlife species in the country, and we want to share these wonders with you. Our initiatives educate communities on wildlife issues across the state so they may be better equipped to enjoy and protect them. Our events include free monthly Wildlife Wednesday presentations, citizen science programs, art fundraisers, and more! Check out our events calendar at www.akwildlife.org for more information.

Conservation Coalitions: We know we are stronger together, and that’s why we stand with small businesses, tourism operators, communities, ethical hunters, educators, and other groups to develop a shared vision for wildlife, be it on a single topic or bigger program goals.

Help us make sure that wildlife still have a home in Alaska, and guarantee that cubs, guppies, pups, and hatchlings have a vibrant future in our state. Show your pride as an Alaskan and designate a portion of your 2019 Permanent Fund Dividend to the Alaska Wildlife Alliance in 2019. As an Alaskan-founded organization, we thank you for your support!