AWA's VP John Morton Presents at the Invasive Species Council of British Columbia’s 2025 Annual Forum

AWA’s VP John Morton recently gave two presentations at the Invasive Species Council of British Columbia’s 2025 Annual Forum in New Westminster, BC, Canada, held from February 25 to 26. Check out the abstracts and slides from the presentations below!

A need to rethink invasive species management in a rapidly changing climate?  

John M. Morton, Alaska Wildlife Alliance

Invasive species are conventionally viewed as nonnative plants and animals that spread easily and impair existing (i.e., “natural”) ecosystem services.  However, these defining attributes will be increasingly challenged and problematic as “native” species move northward in latitude and upward in elevation at different rates in response to rapid climate change. Novel species assemblages are expected (and are happening!) and so naturalized, feral and ornamental species also become part of the mix. These ecological realities demand a pragmatic rethinking of why we manage invasive species in a world in which translocation and eradication become competing (but complementary) tools.

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Eradicating Elodea from the Kenai Peninsula, Alaska: An EDRR success story?

John M. Morton, Alaska Wildlife Alliance

Elodea, the first aquatic invasive plant in Alaska, was found in three Kenai Peninsula lakes in 2012‒13.  After several herbicide treatments, elodea was eradicated by 2016.  This case study of early detection and rapid response (EDRR) is extraordinary, especially considering this was the first use of aquatic herbicides in Alaska. The learning curve was steep as the technical aspects of aquatic herbicide application, untried permitting processes, and public skepticism about both efficacy and safety of aquatic herbicides were navigated.  I identify key attributes that led to success, but also explain why the Kenai Peninsula is unlikely to remain elodea-free in the future. 

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