165 wolves were trapped on Prince of Wales island, for which the last population survey estimate was 170 wolves.
Our Comments on 2020 Board of Game Proposals
Which Kenai Peninsula? The Case for Doing Nothing Versus Doing Something
Missed our Juneau Seminar on Bear Encounters? Watch it here!
January 2020 Newsletter
Alaska Wildlife Alliance at the 2020 Board of Game
BREAKING: Endangered Cook Inlet Beluga Populations Continue to Decline
Bear with Them, They're Learning: Alaska Wildlife Alliance Lecture Examines Behavior of Not-Quite Adult Bears
Missed our Wildlife Wednesday Seminar on Yearling Black Bears? Watch it here!
December 2019 Newsletter
Anchorage 2020 Wildlife Wednesday Series Announced!
Alaska Governor Tony Knowles Speech at Alaska Wildlife Alliance 2019 Celebration
Alaska Beluga Monitoring Project Wraps up Fall Season!
FACT SHEET: Ambler Road Draft EIS
Our comment on Ambler Road
October 2019 Newsletter
Press Release: Alaskans Continue to Defend Coastal Plain as BLM Releases Final Leasing EIS
Today, the Bureau of Land Management’s release of the Final Environmental Impact Statement aimed at selling off the sacred coastal plain of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge for oil and gas exploitation marks the latest move in the administration’s rushed disregard for Indigenous rights, science, and public process.
Help Save our Seabirds! Become a Citizen Scientist
Ambler Road Public Comment Period Open
AWA in the News! KTVA: Vetoes could impact Alaska's wildlife programs
Gov. Mike Dunleavy will soon announce whether he will accept the Legislature's $1,600 Permanent Fund dividend or veto it. The PFD is part of a larger budget bill aimed at restoring some of his $400 million-plus vetoes. Some of those cuts have wildlife advocates (AWA) worried about the possible impact to Alaska's wildlife programs.