At our screening of Broken Flight last week, bird experts shared numerous tips to help keep Alaska’s birds safe.
Another publication! Geographic Origins of Shorebirds Using an Alaskan Estuary during Migration
The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly of the Southcentral Board of Game meeting
Protecting Bristol Bay Wildlife
Arctic Tern: The Bird that Flies around the World
VIDEO: Soundscapes and Sounds in Nature workshop
The world of sounds and soundscapes are explored in this free virtual workshop. Presenters cover the breadth of sounds in nature as a discipline, from the appreciation and ecological significance of sounds, to how they are measured and managed, and finally to how human-generated noise can disturb Alaskan wildlife.
Two new rules that change critical habitat under the Endangered Species Act
VIDEO: Training on how to use your voice for wildlife
VIDEO: Avian Influenza in Seabirds of Beringia
Advocacy in Action: Arctic National Wildlife Refuge lawsuit filed!
Alaska's response: Secretary of Interior approves drilling for oil in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge
A broad coalition of Alaska organizations issued a statement committing to “stand in solidarity for the protection of the coastal plain which provides spiritual, cultural, recreational, and economic sustenance for Alaskans and many others around the world.” This commitment remains strong, and we will not allow the violation of the coastal plain.
Advocacy in Action: Ambler Road lawsuit filed!
The Ambler Road would cut through federal public lands in the Gates of the Arctic National Preserve for the sole purpose of giving private mining companies access to undisturbed regions for hard rock mining. In permitting the Ambler Road, these agencies violated the Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act, National Environmental Policy Act, Clean Water Act and other federal laws and regulations by making final decisions based on a deeply flawed and inadequate environmental review.