denali — News | Alaska Wildlife Alliance (AWA)

Text “beluga” to 833-541-0408 to get our text alert when critically endangered Cook Inlet beluga whales are spotted in the Kenai or Kasilof Rivers! If you have trouble signing up, try texting “UNSTOP” to the same number.


AWA on The Wolf Connection Podcast!

AWA on The Wolf Connection Podcast!

Listen to AWA’s Executive Director discuss Denali wolves and our efforts to protect them.

Advocacy in Action: Preventing sport hunting in Alaska's National Preserves

Advocacy in Action: Preventing sport hunting in Alaska's National Preserves

Now that NPS has reversed their stance against predator control, it will be legal to shoot brown bears over piles of doughnuts and grease; to shine artificial lights into dens to kill hibernating black bears and their cubs; to shoot wolves and coyotes, and their pups, during the denning season when their pelts are in generally poor condition; and taking swimming caribou using motorboats. Our lawsuit aims to stop that.

Why the U.S. government is allowing bears, wolves to be hunted in their dens

Why the U.S. government is allowing bears, wolves to be hunted in their dens

Read about the wildlife issues we see everyday, and why predators are important

Alaska House Passes HB105 Denali Wolf Buffer Bill

Alaska House Passes HB105 Denali Wolf Buffer Bill

In one of its last actions of the regular legislative session, the Alaska House voted 22-18 on Wednesday to pass a bill that protects wolves from trappers in two areas adjoining the park — a move aimed at giving visitors more chances to see the animals, though it’s opposed by the state Board of Game.