Federal rules protecting wildlife are reversed, Eagle River mortar, Board of Game proposal to add trophy hunting season on Alaska Peninsula brown bears.
Video: Cackling and Canada Geese Wildlife Wednesday
VIDEO: Ethical Wildlife Photography Wildlife Wednesday
The Ecological Effects of a Warming Climate on the Kenai Peninsula and Prince William Sound
Video: Bears of the Alaska Peninsula Wildlife Wednesday
Endangered Species Week
Video: Belugas in Our Backyard Wildlife Wednesday
Join the Alaska Wildlife Alliance for this free virtual presentation by Dr. Alison Gardell and Teresa Becher.
Belugas in Our Backyard provides information about our Cook Inlet belugas, their status as an Endangered Species, projects in our area focusing on these beautiful animals, and future research to enhance our understanding of beluga behavior and ecology. The presentation also shares the results for Alaska Beluga Monitoring Partnership's (AKBMP) Fall 2019 monitoring season for Cook Inlet, with a special emphasis on the Kenai River.