Alaska Peninsula — News | Alaska Wildlife Alliance (AWA)

Text “beluga” to 833-541-0408 to get our text alert when critically endangered Cook Inlet beluga whales are spotted in the Kenai or Kasilof Rivers! If you have trouble signing up, try texting “UNSTOP” to the same number.

Alaska Peninsula

VIDEO: Wildlife of Bristol Bay

VIDEO: Wildlife of Bristol Bay

Join us in celebration of Bristol Bay's wildlife! You’ll hear from three speakers to learn about wildlife in Bristol Bay and how you can help protect them.

Board of Game Passes Consecutive Trophy Brown Bear Season on Alaska Peninsula

Board of Game Passes Consecutive Trophy Brown Bear Season on Alaska Peninsula

On June 3rd the Alaska Board of Game authorized an unprecedented consecutive Spring trophy hunt on Alaska Peninsula brown bears, despite public concern for impacts on the bear population.

Video: Bears of the Alaska Peninsula Wildlife Wednesday

Video: Bears of the Alaska Peninsula Wildlife Wednesday

Watch this presentation by Drew Hamilton as he shares his experiences with bears and teaches us about the behavior, migration, and conservation of bears on the Alaska Peninsula!