Text “beluga” to 833-541-0408 to get our text alert when critically endangered Cook Inlet beluga whales are spotted in the Kenai or Kasilof Rivers! If you have trouble signing up, try texting “UNSTOP” to the same number.
This morning at the Board of Game meeting, the ADFG requested an emergency regulation to reinstate Mulchatna bear control, which was recently found to violate due process and the sustained yield principle.
Today is a historic day for Alaska’s bears! Judge Guidi of the Superior Court of Alaska ruled in favor of the Alaska Wildlife Alliance, finding that the Mulchatna Bear Control program—in which the State has aerially gunned nearly 200 brown bears —was unlawfully adopted.
Between January 10 and 17, 2025, the Central and Southwest Board of Game Meeting will be held in Wasilla at the Best Western on Lake Lucille. While the main public comment period for proposals has already passed, there is a public comment period in the first few days of the meeting, where oral testimonies and written comments may be given.
The Board of Game Proposals for the Statewide Meeting have been released and AWA is carefully combing through them so that we can best represent the needs of Alaska’s wildlife at the Statewide BOG meeting in March. The public comment period is open until March 7, and we could use your voice to help safeguard Alaskan wildlife.
Between January 10 and 17, 2025, the Central and Southwest Board of Game Meeting will be held in Wasilla at the Best Western on Lake Lucille. While the main public comment period for proposals has already passed, there is a public comment period in the first few days of the meeting, where oral testimonies and written comments may be given.
Join us in celebration of Bristol Bay's wildlife! You’ll hear from three speakers to learn about wildlife in Bristol Bay and how you can help protect them.
On June 3rd the Alaska Board of Game authorized an unprecedented consecutive Spring trophy hunt on Alaska Peninsula brown bears, despite public concern for impacts on the bear population.
The Board of Game is considering an additional brown bear season on the Alaska Peninsula despite a declining bear population. Why? As a favor to hunting guides. Read our comment.
The Board of Game is considering an additional brown bear season on the Alaska Peninsula despite a declining bear population. Why? As a favor to hunting guides. Comment today.
Watch this presentation by Drew Hamilton as he shares his experiences with bears and teaches us about the behavior, migration, and conservation of bears on the Alaska Peninsula!