“In the past three decades, the Mulchatna caribou herd of southwestern Alaska has gone from nearly 200,000 to 12,000. Last year, the state wildlife agency’s Board of Game started to explore ways to help the struggling population. It landed on a controversial solution called "intensive management," also called predator control, which directs wildlife officials to indiscriminately kill predators. It was the first time the state included bears in the hunt, a decision that had no public process and was conducted without bear population estimates.”
AWA on the Wild for Change Podcast
AWA in the news: State wildlife officials trying to revive Southwest Alaska caribou killed almost 100 brown bears in less than a month
‘The surprisingly high number of bears killed in the Mulchatna program is “especially egregious” given those findings, said Carol Damberg, board president of the Alaska Wildlife Alliance. "They’re ignoring their own biology ... they’re not following the science,” Damberg said Thursday. “If they were, they wouldn’t be doing this.”’
The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly of the Southcentral Board of Game meeting
Plants and animals on the move: the borealization of a rapidly warming Alaska
Click here or scroll below to see AWA’s Vice President, Dr. John Morton’s, presentation Plants and animals on the move: the borealization of a rapidly warming Alaska for the 20th Annual Conference of North American Travel Journalists Association on May 17th in Fairbanks, AK.
AWA Presentation: Using genetics to address conservation issues on the Kenai Peninsula
Click here or scroll below to view AWA Vice President, Dr. John Morton’s, presentation Using genetics to address conservation issues on the Kenai Peninsula for the Exploration Ecology course at UAA Kachemak Bay Campus, Homer, AK.