Read Iris Sameuls’ article in Anchorage Daily News
Our 2023 Annual Report!
Action Alert! Comment to support a new National Park Service Rule that protects bears, wolves and people
Southeast Board of Game meeting summary
AWA in the news: National Park Service proposes bear baiting ban in Alaska - Courthouse News
Effects of a Warming Climate on Caribou, Moose and Sitka Black-tailed Deer on the Kenai Peninsula and Prince William Sound
Climate envelope models suggest in the near term caribou will likely decrease due to afforestation of alpine tundra; moose will likely increase due to continued colonization of Prince William Sound, afforestation of the Kenai Lowlands and alpine tundra, and increasing fires on the western peninsula; and Sitka deer will likely increase due to colonization of the eastern peninsula.
Advocacy in Action: Preventing sport hunting in Alaska's National Preserves
Now that NPS has reversed their stance against predator control, it will be legal to shoot brown bears over piles of doughnuts and grease; to shine artificial lights into dens to kill hibernating black bears and their cubs; to shoot wolves and coyotes, and their pups, during the denning season when their pelts are in generally poor condition; and taking swimming caribou using motorboats. Our lawsuit aims to stop that.