AWA submits request for an extension on the public comment period regarding the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge Coastal Plain Oil and Gas Leasing Program

AWA submits request for an extension on the public comment period regarding the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge Coastal Plain Oil and Gas Leasing Program

On January 14, 2019, we joined several other conservation groups by signing a letter to the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) requesting that the public comment period deadline for the draft environmental impact statement (EIS) pertaining to the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge Coastal Plain Oil and Gas Leasing Program be extended beyond the 45 days originally advertised (currently due by February 11, 2019), and that additional public hearings be held across the nation so that members of the public outside of Alaska who value this national treasure are also given an opportunity to have their voice heard. 

Breaking News: Alaska Demands that Feds Cede all Wildlife Management

Breaking News: Alaska Demands that Feds Cede all Wildlife Management

The request includes statutory amendments and suspension of regulations and policies governing national park lands, wildlife refuges, as well as habitat protections for federally listed threatened and endangered species. 

Fact Sheet: Protect Alaska’s Wildlife in National Preserves

Fact Sheet: Protect Alaska’s Wildlife in National Preserves

“The Trump administration’s decision to roll back these sensible animal protections is outrageous. Without this ban, the hunting of bear cubs and wolf pups in their dens and the shooting of bears from airplanes will return. Without wildlife, our national preserves are just scenery. These practices have no place on our public lands and in our society.”