AWA and Conservation Groups File to Intervene to Defend Pebble Mine Restrictions
Victory in Our Lawsuit to Protect Beaufort Sea Polar Bears!
Our 2023 Annual Report!
Today, wildlife take the stand
Our lawsuit against Mulchatna Bear Control
Our efforts to reduce harm on already threatened Southern Beaufort Sea polar bears
AWA on the Alaska Law Review 'Alaska and the Environment' Panel
In the News: Wolves in Southeast Alaska Face Pressures From All Sides
“Wolves are a charismatic top predator that have become a symbol of wildness for the conservation movement. Aldo Leopold famously wrote about the conflict between humans and wolves in his 1948 essay, ‘Thinking Like a Mountain,’ where he reflected upon shooting a wolf. Many historians credit this essay as a milestone in the modern-day environmental movement. To this day, wolves elicit an emotional response from so many of us. Love them or hate them, wolves attract a disproportionate amount of attention.”
VICTORY! Court upholds prohibition of brown bear baiting in the Kenai Refuge
Alaska Wildlife Alliance and our coalition partners celebrated a U.S. Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals decision today that upheld a 2016 U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service rule that enshrines the Kenai National Wildlife Refuge’s long-standing prohibition on brown bear baiting, along with its decades-long approach of managing the Skilak Wildlife Recreation Area for wildlife viewing and education.
We're in Alaska’s Superior Court to protect Alexander Archipelago wolves
Our 2021 Annual Report
Our lawsuit to protect Alaska's threatened Polar Bears
What happened at the Special Board of Game meeting, March 2021
Our 2020 Annual Report
Indigenous, allied groups go to court to stop issuance of Arctic Refuge leases
Our joint response to recently announced Arctic oil and gas lease sales
VICTORY! Court upholds prohibition of brown bear baiting in the Kenai Refuge
“We believe that the Fish and Wildlife Service is obligated to protect Kenai brown bears on the refuge and this opinion recognizes the agency’s authority to do just that,” said Nicole Schmitt, executive director of the Alaska Wildlife Alliance. “At a time when so many of Alaska’s wildlife protections are being rolled back, this ruling comes as a sigh of relief for all those who enjoy the Refuge and its wildlife.”
PRESS RELEASE: Our lawsuit to suspend the wolf hunting and trapping season on Prince of Wales Island
September 2020 Newsletter
Stay informed! We just sent our newsletter with the latest on AWA's actions to protect wildlife. Learn how to become a citizen scientist to protect endangered beluga whales, join our petition to close the lynx trapping season in Chugach State Park, support our efforts to save the last Alexander Archipelago wolves on Prince of Wales Island, and more. Sign up for e-newsletters at the bottom of this page to be the first to know!