Voices for Wildlife

Comment to support critical habitat designations for ringed and bearded seals

Comment to support critical habitat designations for ringed and bearded seals

NOAA Fisheries is proposing to designate critical habitat in U.S. waters off the coast of Alaska for Arctic ringed seals and the Beringia distinct population of bearded seals. Both species are listed as threatened under the Endangered Species Act (ESA).

Indigenous, allied groups go to court to stop issuance of Arctic Refuge leases

Indigenous, allied groups go to court to stop issuance of Arctic Refuge leases

The motion filed on Dec. 15 requests a preliminary injunction that stops the U.S. Bureau of Land Management from issuing any leases sold during the January lease sale of the coastal plain, and from authorizing any seismic exploration activities.

Winter newsletter: Victories!

Winter newsletter: Victories!

Victories from the past two months, including Kenai Rule ruling, Pebble Mine permit denial, and more information on our Alexander Archipelago wolf efforts

Our joint response to recently announced Arctic oil and gas lease sales

Our joint response to recently announced Arctic oil and gas lease sales

Read our joint letter to Secretary Bernhardt

VICTORY! Court upholds prohibition of brown bear baiting in the Kenai Refuge

VICTORY! Court upholds prohibition of brown bear baiting in the Kenai Refuge

“We believe that the Fish and Wildlife Service is obligated to protect Kenai brown bears on the refuge and this opinion recognizes the agency’s authority to do just that,” said Nicole Schmitt, executive director of the Alaska Wildlife Alliance. “At a time when so many of Alaska’s wildlife protections are being rolled back, this ruling comes as a sigh of relief for all those who enjoy the Refuge and its wildlife.”

FACTSHEET: What are the proposed regulations for Kenai National Wildlife Refuge?

FACTSHEET: What are the proposed regulations for Kenai National Wildlife Refuge?

Everything you need to know about the proposed rules facing Kenai Wildlife Refuge, including brown bear baiting and trapping along roads and trailheads.

PRESS RELEASE: Our lawsuit to suspend the wolf hunting and trapping season on Prince of Wales Island

PRESS RELEASE: Our lawsuit to suspend the wolf hunting and trapping season on Prince of Wales Island

165 of the 170 estimated wolves on Prince of Wales were trapped last year and still managers propose an upcoming trapping season. Our lawsuit seeks to suspend wolf trapping until the Alexander Archipelago wolf population rebounds.

VIDEO: Training on how to use your voice for wildlife

VIDEO: Training on how to use your voice for wildlife

Learn how to turn your Alaska experiences into compelling testimony for wildlife and public lands. This training will prepare you to speak up during any public hearing!

Lower Cook Inlet lease sale: Our concerns for endangered beluga whales

Lower Cook Inlet lease sale: Our concerns for endangered beluga whales

The Cook Inlet beluga whale is a revered whale population that resides off the coast of Alaska’s largest city and along Alaska’s popular Kenai Peninsula. Its population has plummeted in recent decades from nearly 1,300 individuals in 1979 to only 279 in 2018, and despite its status as an endangered species, the population shows no signs of recovery and continues to decline at a rate of 2.3% per year.

FACTSHEET: What are the proposed regulations for Kenai National Wildlife Refuge?

FACTSHEET: What are the proposed regulations for Kenai National Wildlife Refuge?

Everything you need to know about the proposed rules facing Kenai Wildlife Refuge, including brown bear baiting and trapping along roads and trailheads.

PRESS RELEASE: Controversial Kenai National Wildlife Refuge Baiting and Trapping Rule gets new hearing, extended public comment

PRESS RELEASE: Controversial Kenai National Wildlife Refuge Baiting and Trapping Rule gets new hearing, extended public comment

After receiving substantial public opposition, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service announced that it will hold an additional public hearing and public comment period on controversial proposed brown bear baiting and trapping regulations in the Kenai National Wildlife Refuge. The comment period will be reopened from October 9 to November 9 and a virtual public hearing on the proposed rule is scheduled for Monday, October 26 at 4:00 p.m. AKST.

New text alert system for protecting wildlife in Kenai National Wildlife Refuge!

New text alert system for protecting wildlife in Kenai National Wildlife Refuge!

Stay up to date with our new text alert system! You will receive text updates with information on how you can take action to protect wildlife in the Kenai National Wildlife Refuge!

Advocacy in Action: Preventing sport hunting in Alaska's National Preserves

Advocacy in Action: Preventing sport hunting in Alaska's National Preserves

Now that NPS has reversed their stance against predator control, it will be legal to shoot brown bears over piles of doughnuts and grease; to shine artificial lights into dens to kill hibernating black bears and their cubs; to shoot wolves and coyotes, and their pups, during the denning season when their pelts are in generally poor condition; and taking swimming caribou using motorboats. Our lawsuit aims to stop that.

Advocacy in Action: Arctic National Wildlife Refuge lawsuit filed!

Advocacy in Action: Arctic National Wildlife Refuge lawsuit filed!

We joined together in a coalition of 12 other organizations to take the Department of the Interior and the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) to court for their illegal plan to open the entirety of the Coastal Plains of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to foreign oil companies.

Alaska's response: Secretary of Interior approves drilling for oil in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge

Alaska's response: Secretary of Interior approves drilling for oil in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge

A broad coalition of Alaska organizations issued a statement committing to “stand in solidarity for the protection of the coastal plain which provides spiritual, cultural, recreational, and economic sustenance for Alaskans and many others around the world.” This commitment remains strong, and we will not allow the violation of the coastal plain.

Why the U.S. government is allowing bears, wolves to be hunted in their dens

Why the U.S. government is allowing bears, wolves to be hunted in their dens

Read about the wildlife issues we see everyday, and why predators are important